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In my earliest experiences in the church, I remember frequently hearing about “personal work” or “personal evangelism.” Both phrases reflect the truth that sharing the gospel is best done through personal connections. In addition, effective evangelism requires proximity, presence, Christian practice, passion, proclamation, persuasion, and prayer. I want to suggest another dimension. The gospel is personal; the gospel must also be personalized.

The personalized gospel connects with your life. It connects with your past, your present, and your future. It connects with the regrets, doubts, and poor decisions of the past. The personalized gospel connects with needs and desires, interests, and hopes that exist in the heart of every person. In each person, those are different. The gospel talks to you where you are about your own life.

The way to lasting life-change is by changing your heart—
your passions, desires, hopes, and dreams.

The personalized gospel will have an impact on your heart, mind, and life choices. The personalized gospel touches the heart. Too often, the gospel message that is proclaimed is focused on the mind. To capture a person’s mind without capturing their heart is not life- changing! The personalized gospel addresses the heart so that the mind is open and receptive. The way to lasting life-change is by changing your heart—your passions, desires, hopes, and dreams.

The personalized gospel proclaims that Jesus died “for you.” Romans 5 is filled with the preposition “for.” God in Jesus was loving you, caring for you, providing for you, reconciling you. The personalized gospel declares that your name is written throughout the pages of God’s Good News. I have two goals. I want you to hear the “personalized gospel” to find renewed power and strength in your own life. I want you to understand that when you share the gospel, the message you share must always be “personalized” so that another person has the opportunity to hear the message and make a valid decision. The decision is not only mental. To commit to Jesus is a heart decision that is encouraged when we share the “personalized gospel.”

I have two goals. I want you to hear the “personalized gospel” to find renewed power and strength in your own life. I want you to understand that when you share the gospel, the message you share must always be “personalized” so that another person has the opportunity to hear the message and make a valid decision. The decision is not only mental. To commit to Jesus is a heart decision that is encouraged when we share the “personalized gospel.”

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